Did you know 75% of our thoughts are negative
and 90% of our thoughts repeat itself?
For Individuals
The program is based on research from the Stanford University U.S. and individual coaching that builds neural (re)connectivity in the right hemisphere of the brain. Most of the time we act, think, and feel from the left side of the brain due to our experiences. We can not change this by will power but by training the right side of the brain, so we are in all we feel and think positive motivated.
It is a 6-week guided program and only requires a daily time commitment of 15 minutes and 1 hour at the weekend for the learning video, plus 1 hour Zoom or live coaching session per week. Depending on the topic and needed depth of change the coaching is supported by physical exercise videos, Ayurvedic/TCM food recommendations and medical movement embodiment sessions.
92% say they changed from conflicts, stress and feeling unhappy to deep inner satisfaction, more energy, less conflicts and knowing the purpose in life
In coaching, the saboteurs are worked on and Sage Power is practiced. This means that saboteurs are no longer taken over in everyday life. The result is less stress, better relationships with people and a deep inner satisfaction.
The app trains the right hemisphere of the brain through simple 3 minute exercises and works on the two biggest saboteurs (which get in our way every day) and learns the Sage Power (acting, thinking and feeling from consciousness). The video & audio sessions are prepared according to the individual needs of the client.
Our program uses different tools
Personal Coaching
App, Video & Audio Training
For Teams
If you like to increase the performance of a team, or change the fluctuation in a team, have a “toxic” person in the team or conflicts then this can be changed easily by the change of the individual behaviours in the team.
First every team member takes an individual 100% confidential assessment. In the workshop the theory of what sabotages the team members will be introduced. Everyone learns why they act, feel and think as they are and why they are triggered by others. Then the team members will work together and solve what needs to be solved based on their individual Saboteurs. The workshop will be accompanied by small exercise to learn how to deal with stress, create resilience, communicate mindful with each other and overall, just to get to know each other better.
A guaranteed 20% change
already in a 1 day workshop
For Corporate
Cultural Change
Unmatched results - an average of 95% change
We will evaluate the team culture via electronic assessment. Depending on the results we set a focus topic for the workshop. After the workshop the teams start with the App Program & Coaching individual or in teams.
Every 3 months there is a focus topic based upon the cultural change needed with coaching in small groups: For example on meaning & impact of my work and behaviour, mutual responsibility, mutual trust, mutual accountability, healthy conflict, leadership skills, building resilience, stress management, communication, etc.
Unmatched results are possible!
Skills will be learned which are needed
Can apply what they have learned to their life, work and relationships
Feel positive and act more effectively
Mental fitness has increased
Are satisfied with the improvement of mental fitness
Were able to close skill gaps
Source: Questionnaire feedback from participants after the 6-weeks guided program